Many things happened definitely...
First of all, I am no longer single anymore...LOL.. Hmm...wondering who is he..? Andrew Tan XL lor...hehe.. *count* Today is the 79th day since we together oh.. I cannot say how long will us be together in the future, but I just hope that it can be very long very long... ^O^
He is a very good guy, I have to say. Very good in his own personalities, charming and attractive. Outgoing, confident and sociable. Responsible, dedicated and caring, too.. Haha..
Except sometimes too ego a bit, rude a bit, naughty a bit and emo a bit lo.. Plus not romantic enough and sometimes very "wood" le.. So easy to believe what i said.. =.= LOL
And hor.. Don't know is because of me too naive or he can read my mind.. He can always guess what i am going to say de lor.. So bad.. Made me bcome so not "unpredictable"... No good!! =s
Anyways, he is still positive to me la...hehe.. The most adorable thing of him is that he is so cute lor...!! (always act cute la... =x) And he treats me quite nice lo....maybe can be a little nicer ba... *giggle* [Ask too much dy hor... =p]
It was a great regret that we were unable to celebrate our first Christmas [as he is in south america whereas i am in shanghai ... ] and New Year eve 2009 [again, he is in bentong whereas i am in ipoh~~~]. Until our first Valentine's Day!! We finally can celebrate together but also with 3 "light bulbs" who are Vivienne, Alfred and Leslie... ... =x haha~
Actually it was not a bad thing which we could celebrate this "holy" festival together with our good friends... Just that maybe all of us slept so late the day before so everyone was like no spirit and looked so tired.. Leslie even slept and snored in the cinema.. =x
I found that there is a very nice art shop [Art Friends] in The Gardens lo.. Was recommended by Vivienne..hehe..
Btw..we watched Valkyrie in The Gardens.. The show was very nice..just that it was sad that the guy (starred by Tom Cruise) was shot dead in the end of the movie.. *sigh*
After the movie, it was about time to have dinner!! Yeah~~ After a whole lot of recommendations and discussions, they came out a conclusion to go have dinner in Klang, which is where i stay! So we went all the way down to Klang and i brought them to have Chinese cuisine at an ordinary restaurant nearby the Bukit Raja JJ... Fortunately they liked the food there..haha... =p
Then they sent me back home.. Actually they (Andrew) was driving my car.. And then they cabbed back to subang and sleeeeep!! Everyone was so tired today~~ But happy too! ^O^
That's all with my first Valentine's day experience.. Not very romantic lo right? *nodds* But quite satisfying already la...I am not those girls who ask for many many things de.. @.@ about present le?? Got. [Keep it secret. XD] Rose?? Got also. But kind of forced by other people de... LOL. It was like that de.. Two days before Valentine's day, there were people selling roses for charity at the place where we having lunch. Then, he bought one red rose when someone asked him to do so... =x But actually, he said that he planned to buy it on saturday de... I know he meant that and i believed him de... LOL. And since he bought one for me already, then i just tell him no need to buy again lo... But he became a little emo just because of that for a couple of minutes le... Hahahahaha.. Can't you say that he is so cute..!! =D
So, he is still acceptable la.. =/
Anyways, i love him lo...because of who he is... =]
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