guess what have i done for the whole today......
nothing...haha is nothing...but watch movie and mapling....
what a relax day~...
actually...not at all... gosh...i was thinking about my assignments when i was slacking...i dun like... i want a proper holidays!!!
3 more weeks... then i am free~~ i wan to fly like a bird in the sky... i wan to swim like a fish in the ocean probably with a cute nice it could be... XD day-dream again... =.=
well i watched Mama Mia this afternoon...this movie was highly recommended by my friend >> Janice...thx to her...this show is really awesome!! haha...must watch it at least once within ur lifetime... @_@v
then i immediately downloaded all its soundtracks.... XD
here is the list:
1. Mama Mia
2. Dancing Queen
3. I have a dream
4. Money money money
5. Honey Honey
6. Chiquitita
7. Our last summer
8. Lay all your love on me
9. Super Trouper
10. Gimme! gimme! gimme!
11. Voulez-vous
12. SOS
13. Does your mother know
14. The winner takes it all
15. When all is said and done
16. Slipping through my fingers
17. I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do
18. Waterloo
19. Take a chance on me
20. Thank you for the music

Mama Mia! Here i go again!! XD
ok.......back to reality...tomorow is MONDAY (>.<) 8am class!!
i dun feel like going to class le... =(
hmmm....i think i have become more and more lazy these days...
it is almost the end of the year la....and my college sooooo rarely got holidays and there are tonnes of works to do... unlike my sis's college...extremely free..seldom see her doing assignments or whatever works that a typical college student should be suffering from... and now..after her last upcoming paper on this wednesday... she will be having a whole 2 months holidays!! argh...not fair!!!
but nobody can help me....sigh...
so now i better get some preparations for my assignments...
not good to procastinate right? hehe
hope to sleep early today...
juz a piece of is best to have deep sleep which is at the first stage of sleep [early night] becos it is the only time that your brain could really rest and not working... if you sleep very late at night [after 3am] then it is REM(random eye movement) which your brain are still working even when u are sleeping...dat's how dreams come along at the last stage of sleep..could you imagine if u keep sleeping late for several nights in a row...your brain are not getting rest for so long... =s
anyway i learnt it from psychology nowadays i sleep quite early...trying hard to...=x
okiee have to go ler...tataz~ ^^
dunno vat to write for u =.= cos its all dreaming =.=''
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