Friday, March 6, 2009
An Unavoidable Disappointment
What is so happy for? Because the day after tomorrow is saturday lo, which means i can sleep until as late as i wish and do whatever i want. Wakaka. =P
By the way, today is the day for the Science Society talk which is about breast cancer awareness. Everything was going on very well. Many people turned up (although it is because the great influence of Ms. Ng who is offering free 5 points for the upcoming test to whoever attends to the event). But there are still some people who were really come to listen to the talk oh.. Happy +_+
In short, the preparation and the seating part were quite satisfied. Except we were lacking of manpower due to the absence of a few committe members. As a result, vivien, janice and i who initially planed to go to socio class, have to stay there and help out.
Anyways, it was a successful opening which should contribute to 50% of a successful ending. Unfortunately, the speaker could not make it at the last minute. There was an ICU emergency which a patient with an internal bleeding liver who needed the doctor to rescue. We know that this was an unavoidable accident. No one should be blamed for. But it was just....just so bad luck. We were all so disappointed. As we didn't prepare any back up speaker or video clip stuff, the talk has to be cancelled lo. Most of the students didn't seem to be too upset about it and the next thing they did was finished up all the refreshment prepared. LOL. There were even something very funny which a few students came and asked us, "Har..the talk really have to be cancelled oh? about our five marks ar??" =.='' Should i laugh about it? Har har.
So what goes next? We booked again the venue and have to do all the preparation thing all over again lo. *sigh* Lucky that the speaker who is a doctor is quite responsibility lar. He asked whether he could come another time and was readied to take up all the responsibility of his absence. *clap clap* Hehe =]
Ok lar. That's all for today. This will be a busy weekend and hope that next week will be a great week. *giggle* o(*_^)o
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I want some sleep zzZ
It supposed to be a very very exciting month right? is.... But in a way towards crazinesss... =s
In this fantastic month, there are endless tests stirring the stuff inside my small brain.
I need to spend so much time looking for journals and articles to work out the Sociology research.
I need to read a book titled Soul On Ice for the sake of History and write an assignment regarding the book.
I need to take a Toefl test which i almost totally forgot about it =.=" (luckily my dear reminded me that it is just 3 more weeks away).
I need to sort out all the documentary things for the Science Society as i am taking the post as the bloody secretary. =x It really has a lot of stuff to do lor. The activities of Science Society during last time were so simple and the attendence was made compulsory by our advisor as all the "innocent" individuals enrol into her class will automatically be signed in as members of this welcoming family. Har har. But this time dunno who on earth suggested that the organization the activities to be cooperated with the clubs in the main campus and hence they came up with the idea of Health Awareness Month which means i am going to in-charge in all the proposal things lor. Haih~ By the way, i was somehow successfully and formally sent in the first invitation letter in my life to a big company (maybe not as big as ... =x) Anyways, proud~ =D
Besides all these lar, there is one more good news oh. Hehe hoho haha. I will be going to Ho Chi Minh oh. Hehe hoho haha. This is for the service learning for Sociology. We need to observe the interactions between the people there for the topic of Culture. Then write out a journal after the trip. I am so looking forward to it le. Exciting~ +_+ But then, i will not be seeing my dear and daddy, mommy, qie qie and my bros for 4 days o. How? Sure miss them a lot de lo. LOL 4 days only also cannot bear with, how about the life when i transfer o US le?? =/ Difficult. So difficult.
Ok lar. Need to start doing my stake-so-high-up works dy. Not like my dear and frens they all lo. Having dinner at Rakuzen to celebrate John's bday. Only i cant go, sob sob. Sushi~~~, i miss you. T_T Nevermind la, next time ask my dear treat me eat. Heh heh. =P
Ooops. Really need to do my work dy. So that i can sleep early tonight. I just slept for 2 hours plus yesterday night lo. Stupid journals' fault. Results to it: my eye blacks become more and more obvious dy lo. And the pimples on my face all come out and say hi. *sigh*
Duh. Again, bye bye lo..
PS: Happie birthday, John. +_+
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tagged: 50 Questions
1. Were you named after anyone?
★ I think not lor..
2. When was the last time you cried?
★ Err..last week? cannot remember...watched too much of sad shows these days.. =x
3. Do you like your handwritting?
★ Yea..sometimes...especially when i am not sleepy.. =p
4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
★ Eat more vege is good for health ar.. =D
5. Do you have kids?
★ No. =]
6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
★ Think
7. Do you use sarcasm?
★ Sadly, not really..
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
★ Suppose to have ba.. =s
9. Would you bungee jump?
★ Not sure..let me see how high it would be first.... =x
10. What is your favourite cereal?
★ Honey stars & coco crunch~~~
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
★ Normally don't..
13. What is your favourite ice-cream?
★ I like any flavors of ice-cream!! XD
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
★ Their smile =)
15. Red or Pink?
★ Light pink.
16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
★ Too quiet & dependent =x
17. Who do you miss the most?
★ Different time, miss different people =]
18.Do you want everyone to complete the list?
★ Ehm...who dare not?? =s
19. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
★ Black and white.
21. What are you listening to right now?
★ Another Heaven - Leehom ft Jane Zhang
22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
★ Purple~~ <3
23.Favourite smells?
★ The smell when it is going to rain..
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
★ My honey~ ^^
26.Favourite sports to watch?
★ No specific.. =x
27. Hair colour?
★ Black + brown + gold + white... =.=
28.Eye colour?
★ Brown, maybe.. =p
29. Do you wear contacts?
★ No..not dare to...zz
30. Favourite Food?
★ Sushi & salmon fish~~ and fruit salad, too..
31. Scary movies or happy endings?
★ Of course is happy ending.. lalalalala~~
32.Last movie you watched?
★ Punisher-The War Zone.....such a bloody movie...omg!
33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
★ Pink
34. Summer or winter?
★ Winter...snow flakes flying all over the sky... @@
35. Hugs or kissess?
★ ....
37. Most likely to respond?
★ Huh?
38. Least likely to respond?
★ Again??
39. What book(s) are you reading now?
★ History notes... T_T
40. What is on your mouse pad?
★ Mouse...and my handphone..
41. What did you watch on TV last night?
★ Tv series on Astro On Demand.
42.Favourite Sound(s)?
★ Can't think about it now...
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
★ Neither.. =x
44. What is the farthest you've been from home?
★ Melbourne =s
45. Do you have a special talent?
★ Not sure yet...haha
46 Where were you born?
★ KL
47. Whose answers are you looking forward to seeing?
★ Someone.
48. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
★ a particular english class.....
49. What is your sign?
★ Pisces ^^
50.If you could sit down to dine with 5 people who would they be?
★ My families and any one of my friends can be.. =]
Was tagged by Sinyee Ler to do this. =)
Tagged: Elaine Ng [you better do this!] XD
1. 唔准同任何15歲以上 35歲以下無血緣關係既女性單獨外出或者傾超過5分鐘電話。
2. 我'meet'你既時候你唔准縮。
3. 我唔會check你既來電顯示,但係你最好唔好俾我聽到你同不明來歷既女人講電 話。
4. 我明白每個人都有過去,你會有舊情人既相呀信呀禮物呀,
5. 每日起碼要打一次電話俾我,因為我會掛心你。
6. 你要俾我知你去左邊,我唔係要check你行蹤,只係如果新聞話有三名行山人士失蹤,
7. 我地未必可以一生一世,但希望你同我一齊既時候,每一刻都對我認真。
8. 你心裡面諗d咩,一定要同我講,因為我好蠢,你唔同我直接講我唔會知道。
9. 我去dating你叫我玩得開心d既話,我會以為你唔愛我唔緊張我唔想要我。
10. 我希望你會記得一切既大時大節生日同紀念日,我唔會提,亦會扮大方,但唔 代表我想你失憶。
11. 唔准對我講大話。
12. 唔准一腳踏兩船 (亦都唔准踏轮船。。。或者潜水艇。。。 )。
14. 如果我遲到,都只係因為我想著靚 d見你,所以你唔好鬧我。
5. 你最好唔好有一堆女性朋友同契妹之類既不明物體o係身邊,
否則我會大你三十 萬用行動證明俾你睇我都有一籮男性朋友同契哥加uncle。
16. 我係一個會講粗口既淑女,你最好忍耐一下。
17. 我唔會問你我靚唔靚 (因為我知道我唔靚),你最好諗定第二樣o黎讚我。
18. 我知道你冇可能每秒鐘都掛住我,但係如果你全日都冇諗起我,我會好驚。
19. 我唔介意你望靚女,介意既係有筍野睇你都唔同我講。
20. 我喊既時候,你一定要tum我,因為我只會o係好傷心好傷心既時候先喊。
21. 你打機既時候,我會自己搵野做,你唔需要擔心,最好你教我打埋一份。
22. 你最好有一首只係屬於我既電話鈴聲。
23. 如果你冇開口講,我都為你去改變,代表我真心鍾意你,請你珍惜我。
24. 我好樂意幫你煮飯洗衫執屋做massage,但係請你唔好當「奉旨」。
25. 我會希望你將我介紹俾你既朋友識。
26. 放假時我會間唔中留o係屋企休息,你即管出去玩,
27. 因為我有一d唔係太開心既過去,對人好冇安全感。
28. 你先要努力工作,然後盡量抽時間陪我。
29. 你唔需要係有錢仔,但係要有上進心,想出人頭地。
30. 你一定要有自己既理想。
31. 我有寫 blog既習慣,如果你發現o個篇係講你既,你最好俾d反應我。
32. 我M之前一個星期會情緒暴躁,你要小心d 。
33. 如果你發我脾氣仲逼我上床,我會覺得好hurt。
34. 因為愛你,我會珍惜自己,要自己身體健康,叫自己開開心心,你都係。
35. 我最憎人唔信我。
36. 如果你愛我,你唔會捨得要我傷心。
37. 男朋友既功用係對女朋友好,女朋友既功用係對男朋友好。
38. 好多事唔係我懶底扮唔識搵你做,而係我真係唔識。
39. 我希望你間唔中都會俾比d小驚喜我,係「小驚喜」,唔係「大驚喜」。
40. 你講過,而我又應承過既,我一定會做。例如:你唔o係我身邊我就要凌晨1點前返到屋企。
41. 唔好熄電話,萬一半夜我要去急症室我會想你陪我。
42. 如果你見我個樣冇乜表情,唔係我唔緊張你,
43. 如果有人追你,記得同我講,我會用掃把掃佢。
44. 好遺憾我冇機會細細個就識得你,所以宜家請你俾多d時間我,俾機會我去了解你。
45. 你唔開心既時候我會靜靜行開俾時間空間你冷靜,
46. 著得sexy 係有兩個原因:1. 我覺得靚 2. 等你緊張我。
原因:不知道要在那里设。。 哈哈 *晕*
~ LoVe sToRy ~
Many things happened definitely...
First of all, I am no longer single anymore...LOL.. Hmm...wondering who is he..? Andrew Tan XL lor...hehe.. *count* Today is the 79th day since we together oh.. I cannot say how long will us be together in the future, but I just hope that it can be very long very long... ^O^
He is a very good guy, I have to say. Very good in his own personalities, charming and attractive. Outgoing, confident and sociable. Responsible, dedicated and caring, too.. Haha..
Except sometimes too ego a bit, rude a bit, naughty a bit and emo a bit lo.. Plus not romantic enough and sometimes very "wood" le.. So easy to believe what i said.. =.= LOL
And hor.. Don't know is because of me too naive or he can read my mind.. He can always guess what i am going to say de lor.. So bad.. Made me bcome so not "unpredictable"... No good!! =s
Anyways, he is still positive to me la...hehe.. The most adorable thing of him is that he is so cute lor...!! (always act cute la... =x) And he treats me quite nice lo....maybe can be a little nicer ba... *giggle* [Ask too much dy hor... =p]
It was a great regret that we were unable to celebrate our first Christmas [as he is in south america whereas i am in shanghai ... ] and New Year eve 2009 [again, he is in bentong whereas i am in ipoh~~~]. Until our first Valentine's Day!! We finally can celebrate together but also with 3 "light bulbs" who are Vivienne, Alfred and Leslie... ... =x haha~
Actually it was not a bad thing which we could celebrate this "holy" festival together with our good friends... Just that maybe all of us slept so late the day before so everyone was like no spirit and looked so tired.. Leslie even slept and snored in the cinema.. =x
I found that there is a very nice art shop [Art Friends] in The Gardens lo.. Was recommended by Vivienne..hehe..
Btw..we watched Valkyrie in The Gardens.. The show was very nice..just that it was sad that the guy (starred by Tom Cruise) was shot dead in the end of the movie.. *sigh*
After the movie, it was about time to have dinner!! Yeah~~ After a whole lot of recommendations and discussions, they came out a conclusion to go have dinner in Klang, which is where i stay! So we went all the way down to Klang and i brought them to have Chinese cuisine at an ordinary restaurant nearby the Bukit Raja JJ... Fortunately they liked the food there..haha... =p
Then they sent me back home.. Actually they (Andrew) was driving my car.. And then they cabbed back to subang and sleeeeep!! Everyone was so tired today~~ But happy too! ^O^
That's all with my first Valentine's day experience.. Not very romantic lo right? *nodds* But quite satisfying already la...I am not those girls who ask for many many things de.. @.@ about present le?? Got. [Keep it secret. XD] Rose?? Got also. But kind of forced by other people de... LOL. It was like that de.. Two days before Valentine's day, there were people selling roses for charity at the place where we having lunch. Then, he bought one red rose when someone asked him to do so... =x But actually, he said that he planned to buy it on saturday de... I know he meant that and i believed him de... LOL. And since he bought one for me already, then i just tell him no need to buy again lo... But he became a little emo just because of that for a couple of minutes le... Hahahahaha.. Can't you say that he is so cute..!! =D
So, he is still acceptable la.. =/
Anyways, i love him lo...because of who he is... =]
Monday, December 8, 2008
心理测验1 七種吸引力
你 想 知 道 在 別 人 眼 中 , 你 有 那 種 吸 引 力 嗎 ?
今 次 的 遊 戲 可 以 幫 你 了 解 你 感 情 上 的 特 質 。
遊 戲 開 始 ─ ─
1. 你 喜 歡 獨 自 旅 行 。
是 → 2 否 → 3
2. 你 每 星 期 都 會 去 逛 街 。
是 → 4 否 → 5
3. 你 喜 歡 看 浪 漫 愛 情 喜 劇 。
是 → 6 否 → 7
4. 你 習 慣 早 晨 跑 步 。
是 → 8 否 → 9
5. 你 認 為 女 人 最 重 要 是 婚 姻 男 人 最 重 要 是 事 業 。
是 → 10 否 → 11
6. 你 擁 有 很 多 知 心 朋 友 。
是 → 12 否 → 13
7. 你 喜 歡 聊 電 話 。
是 → 14 否 → 15
8. 你 喜 歡 時 尚 衣 服 。
是 → 16 否 → 17
9. 你 認 為 經 濟 是 愛 情 的 保 障 。
是 → 18 否 → 19
10. 你 睡 眠 的 時 間 在 晚 上 十 二 時 以 後 。
是 → 20 否 → 21
11. 沒 事 你 也 喜 歡 喝 點 酒 。
是 → 8 否 → 10
12. 你 在 家 養 了 很 多 植 物 。
是 → 9 否 → 10
13. 你 喜 歡 聽 悲 傷 的 情 歌 。
是 → 10 否 → 8
14. 你 認 為 美 是 出 自 內 心 而 並 非 表 面 。
是 → 9 否 → 8
15. 你 喜 歡 魔 術 多 於 雜 技 。
是 → 10 否 → 9
16. 你 並 不 贊 成 婚 前 性 行 為 。
是 → A 否 → 17
17. 你 喜 歡 和 不 同 類 型 的 異 性 交 往 。
是 → B 否 → 18
18 你 常 在 半 夜 想 些 傷 心 的 事 情 。
否 → 19 是 → C
19. 你 認 為 自 己 雙 重 人 格 嚴 重 。
是 → D 否 → 20
20. 你 敢 於 主 動 向 喜 歡 的 人 表 白 。
是 → E 否 → 21
21. 你 會 定 期 去 健 身 院 。
是 → F 否 → G
A 長 頸 鹿 B 豹 C 鹿 D 斑 馬
E 企 鵝 F 狐 狸 G 羚 羊
分 析
A 長 頸 鹿
你沉 默 、 優 雅 , 有 一 種 發 自 內 在 的 親 和 氣 質 , 令 人 感 覺 舒 服 , 在 歲 月 的 沉 澱 中 更散發出不 可 抵 擋 的 魅 力 。 你 懂 得 甚 麼 叫 品 味 , 甚 麼 是 生 活 。 在 你 身 邊 的 每 一 個 人 ,都會感 受到 你 的 優 美 與 友 善 , 無 關 外 貌 , 亦 無 關 年 齡 , 只 是 沁 人 心 脾 的 魅 力 。
B 豹
你走 在 時 尚 的 前 線 , 總 是 以 不 變 應 萬 變 獲 得 人 生 每 一 刻 的 精 采 , 同 時 帶 給 別 人 生命的熱情 。 你 魅 力 四 射 , 你 的 光 芒 更 是 無 法 被 別 人 遮 蓋 , 你 懂 得 如 何 讓 生 命 永 遠 精采美麗 。只 是 有 時 要 控 制 一 下 自 己 的 脾 氣 , 那 麼 你 的 野 性 和 不 羈 就 更 叫 人 醉 倒 !
C 鹿
你崇 尚 簡 約 , 毫 無 野 心 , 永 遠 悄 然 而 立 , 這 不 是 漠 然 , 而 是 涵 養 。 你 才 華 橫 溢 卻看淡一切 , 永 遠 用 清 晰 的 眼 光 看 世 間 的 紛 擾 , 卻 不 刻 意 逃 避 , 永 遠 用 冷 靜 和 理 智 去看情場 上的 春 去 春 來 。 你 自 然 淡 雅 的 笑 容 最 是 迷 人 。
D 斑 馬
你在 靜 態 時 固然 表 現 出 悠 閒 的 優 雅 , 即 使 忙 碌 為 口 奔 馳 , 也 能 在 日 日 如 是 的 工 作 中散發魅 力 。 你不 會 放 縱 自 己 , 也 不 會 因 不 值 得 的 事 情 虐 待 自 己 。 無 論 何 時 , 你 都 流露出 動靜 皆 宜的 吸 引 力 。
E 企 鵝
你善 良 、 開 朗 並 有 一 種 陽 光 的 氣 質 。 可 愛 又 無 所 謂的 性 格 是 你 最 吸 引 人 的 地 方 。 你的可愛 並 非 幼 稚 那 種 , 而 是 一 種 純 淨 的 美 。 即 使 發現 人 性 的 險 惡 , 你 亦 始 終 保 持 自我。 你純 潔 善 良 的 笑 容 , 可 讓 不 少 人 溶 化 。
F 狐 狸
你有 令 人 傾 慕 的 外 貌 , 並 且 知 識 豐 富 , 有 理 性 。 在 你 的 生 命 中 , 最 不 可 能 缺 少 的就是愛情 , 你 的 舉 手 投 足 , 引 來 無 數 異 性 的 心 旌 蕩 漾 。 你 既 敏 感 又 含 蓄 , 不 會 有 火辣辣的 激情 , 但 你 懂 得 無 數 浪 漫 的 花 樣 , 令 異 性 喜 出 望 外 。
G 羚 羊
表 面上 , 你 看 似 冷 漠 得 有 些 孤 傲 , 其 實 你 卻 有 不 一 樣 的 熱 情 ; 在 你 的 心 底 更 有 對 世間一切 最 純 真 的 想 法 。 你 有 情 卻 不 多 情 , 你 可 以 改 變 卻 不 善 變 。 膚 淺 的 異 性 不 會 接近你, 走 進 你 世 界 的 必 定 是 有 內 涵 的 人 。
我是羚羊噢。。。觉得还蛮准的~ 呵呵。。
Friday, December 5, 2008
fun time!!

okie i need to sleep now.....very sleepy since juz now...despite that i slept 3 hours in the late afternoon juz now XD nitez lo...881